Justice & Compensation

Libya must pursue its future on a solid grounding of equality, justice and respect for the rule of law and human rights.

Ensuring the safe return, protection and support of Tawerghans will greatly contribute to this effort and is vital to a successful attempt at national reconciliation.







Provide support for fact-finding organizations.


Provide a damage report and victims & perpetrators database.

Justice & Compensation

Provide support for mediation, trials & lawsuits.


Promote security & stability in the Tawergha area.


Support the reconstruction of the Tawergha area.

Obtain Justice

actions & results

Tawergha Foundation Actions & Results


We have created a dedicated page with actions and results as we didn't have enough room here. Click this link to check out what we are doing.

Projects & Actions for Justice 2013

We have created a database for all official reports on the Tawergha issue (see the media web page for the link)

and we have send the link on multiple media platforms to political parties, governments, embassies and important people who might make a difference. We have created a torture victims database (check the link on the official reports web page) describing and depicting the horrors and vile crimes against humanity and we are about to publish our first official report on this issue.


Lawyers for Justice Libya

Justice & Compensation

LFJL is an independent non-governmental organisation and charity, incorporated for the public benefit in order to defend and promote human rights in Libya. Through its work on transitional justice, impunity and human rights, constitutional and legal reform, governance and the rule of law and international advocacy, LFJL seeks to become a catalyst, during the transitional period and beyond, for the establishment of a state based on the rule of law and democracy.

Oslo forum 2012


If Libya is to build the state of law that was perhaps the animating demand of its revolution, the governing authorities must essentially take measures to compensate for the asymmetry of force and lack of dialogue between pro-revolutionary strongholds and utterly defeated towns such as Tawergha and Mshashiya. As a first step, the state is already being called upon to establish credible mechanisms for the investigation and prosecution of individuals accused of war crimes during the revolution.


Transitional Justice Foundation

Crimes committed during the conflict are fresh in memory, generating strong emotions among the communities that suffered the most. In some cases, perpetrators of past crimes became victims, while victims also became perpetrators. An example is the situation regarding Misrata and the Tawergha, which needs reconciliation based on truth and justice.

Libya Tawergha Foundation Logo